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Two young founders experience generational differences in workplace when hiring first employee. Conflict over work-life balance and norms leads to challenges.
Johan comes to install panels on our refurbished kitchen. The last time he was on the floor, he told us how Corona had also forced him to be creative and shift his business.
The playground of a primary school, somewhere on a weekday morning. It's break time and there is a lot of playing, running, screaming, laughing...
How far apart it often is: the ideal picture of the dream job candidate and the jerk (admit it, sometimes you just think that) that your new colleague also turns out to be, once he or she has passed his or her test.
At 29, I gave birth to my first child. It turned out to be a perfectly healthy, sturdy-looking 10-pounder. Apart from this fine person who has been in my life since then, I also received a 'gift':
Change - not everyone likes it. On subjects such as sustainability and corporate social responsibility, people still (too) often put their heads in the sand... The key to success? Willingness to take action!
Wealth, where is the wealth of your business? A wise lesson I learned from a window cleaner has always stayed with me...
Is technology your second mother tongue, or does hearing the terms "airdrop", "cloud" and "wetransfer" get you stuck? Whatever group you belong to within a team, the key to success is patience.
Falling ill, it can happen to anyone. But an employer who is sympathetic and has thought about a reintegration programme is not everyone's cup of tea. A passer-by recently told me an interesting story...
During two different bus rides, I experienced two completely different rides. The difference; the influence of employerism through which employees may or may not let their enthusiasm for the profession shine through.
Regular contact. Fifteen minutes a day. A daily check-in does wonders for your team!
Human Resources, something that is never really visible and for which credit is rarely given. Meanwhile, HR is the "glue" of a company; keeping things together and making them stronger.