Why climate change knowledge is critical to your business

Working Professor

July 13, 2020

Why climate change knowledge is critical to your business

Working Professor

July 13, 2020

Why climate change knowledge is critical to your business

Working Professor

July 13, 2020

Why climate change knowledge is critical to your business

Working Professor

July 13, 2020

The climate is changing and that also affects entrepreneurs. How do you respond to changing weather conditions, the energy transition and new attitudes about flying, for example? Climate scientist Bart Verheggen tells us in this episode of Werkprofessor how to prepare your company for climate change. 

Basic Knowledge

We know with a high degree of certainty that the earth is warming and that this is because of humans. This poses risks. Fortunately, there is much you can do to mitigate those risks. To do so, however, companies need sufficient basic knowledge about climate change. That's what climate scientist Bart Verheggen tells Wendy van Ierschot (VIE People). With the right knowledge in house, companies can respond proactively to developments and have more certainty in making the right investments.

From basic knowledge to operations

Climate change not only causes the weather to change, but we also begin to look differently at things that until recently seemed quite normal. Getting on a plane every so often, for example. That's something to consider when making plans for your business. How does it affect your product, your location and the investments you make? In other words; how do you translate your basic knowledge about the impact of climate change into business operations? In this podcast, Verheggen provides some insights to get started with this.

The foresight

So the world is changing, the only question is with what information we can start preparing for the changing world. Bart mentions KNMI and Planbureau voor leefomgeving as the most important sources: "those are the institutes appointed to make that information available to society and politics." Bart Verheggen has also written a book: 'what should everyone know about climate change'. These are the tools to get started as a company. With this information you can develop a foresight to move your company in the right direction. For more guidance, listen to the entire podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

Links to the podcast

More about Bart Verheggen

Information from KNMI

Information from the PBL

Podcast with Jessica van der Schalk


Do you have questions or input? Please contact Wendy van Ierschot at wendy@viepeople.com.

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We know so much about human behaviour, but we hardly use this knowledge in our work. This is a missed opportunity. In De Werkprofessor, made by BNR & Wendy van Ierschot, recent scientific research into human behaviour is discussed in a lively dialogue with the expert & an entrepreneur.

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