You should shut up! Dutch workers receive these kinds of threats to their heads most often of all workers in Europe. Is it the Dutch, or is something else going on? Can we learn how to deal with conflict situations using a case study? With expert Caroline Koetsenruijter and complaints coordinator at the Municipality of The Hague Maryam Reddoub we take up this challenge.
Caroline Koetsenruijter is a trainer in conflict management and has years of experience in conflict mediation. Recently her book came out: 'jij moet je bek bek houden', about conflict management in the workplace. Caroline lives by the motto: conflicts are part of life, solving them is too. But how do you recognize a conflict? And what can you do when you're in conflict? That and more in this episode of the Work Professor.
The escalation ladder
A disagreement, a conflict or war and enmity. It makes quite a difference what stage of escalation you are in. Caroline works with Friedrich Glasl's escalation ladder to determine the extent of the issues in each case. By asking the right questions, Caroline knows how to do this.
Arguing at the counter
Maryam Reddoub takes us through a case study at the Municipality of The Hague (editor's note: there are occasional hiccups in Maryam's audio). Maryam describes a very recognizable situation: someone comes to apply for a new passport for her and her child. Listen to the podcast to hear how this situation was able to escalate, what level on the escalation ladder it went to and what was done to resolve the situation.
More about Caroline Koetsenruijter and her institute
Caroline's book: you should shut up
The escalation ladder by Friedrich Glasl
Do you have questions or input? Please contact Wendy van Ierschot at
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